When screening for a multitude of microorganisms in the laboratory, the ones which promise the best results for an industrial process are separated from the ones which do not meet expectations. Now comes the most difficult part of the whole process, where the exact optimum growth conditions of the microorganism needs to be mimicked in the laboratory.
A microorganism requires a host of nutrients in its growth media to multiply quickly and produce the desired products, but designing an optimum growth media is no simple task. Our Scientists work hard to understand the metabolism process of the microorganism and its behaviour in various media sources. A media composition which works well for one strain may not work well for another. The growth may be limited hence the limited production of the required products. This hampers the economic feasibility of the production source.
The key is finding an optimum nutrient medium which allows the microorganism to achieve the highest growth and produce the product of interest in high volumes. Our team of Scientists and Biochemists work to identify this and develop a solution which guarantees the most valid results.
Finding an optimum growth medium is not the only part of turning the microorganism of interest into a powerful producer. A strain isolated from soil conditions is commonly refered to as Wild type, since it produces a host of other products along with the product of interest. This poses two problems: The yield of the product of interest is relatively low due to production of by-products and the growth medium contains by-products which are not of economic important or sometimes may even be restricted for the targeted end use.
Thus another objective of an efficient process development is preparing a microorganism which does not produce unwanted by-products while enhancing the production capability of the product of interest. This is referred to as Strain improvement and is achieved by Induced Mutations or by Recombinant Technology. Both these processes alter the genetic structure of the microorganism bringing changes to its behaviour. If properly directed, these processes bring efficient changes to the gene of the microorganism such as changed or lower medium nutritional requirements and increased productivity of the product of interest.
While conducting Induced Mutations, a wide variety of mutants are developed hence the organisms are screened further to select the mutated strains of interest. Induced Mutations are carried out by select Chemical Mutagens, UV-radiation or sometimes both.
We at Noor Enzymes are looking to constantly innovate in Strain improvement of our existing and newly isolated microorganisms to become more efficient by the day.