Animal Feed and Healthcare

The basic composition of feed for animals is plants, cereal grains and vegetable derived proteins. Most commonly used feed additives are cereal grains and lignocellulosic materials which are primarily composed of Starch, Non-Starch polysaccharides (Hemicellulose matter such as Beta-Glucans, Xylans / Arabino Xylans, Cellulose etc) and Proteins. Monogastric animals are unable to facilitate complete digestion of these items due to anti-nutritional factors, which in the case of animal feeds would be Non-starch Polysaccharides (NSP) due to their soluble nature which causes swelling and increases the viscosity in the intestine of the animals. This also blocks the access to nutrients in the feed causing adverse effects such as slow intestinal passage, fewer intakes of nutrients while also affecting digestibility.
Addition of enzymes such as B-Glucanase, Xylanase and Cellulase / Hemicellulase in animal feed enables breakdown of these NSP elements solving the above problems faced by feed industry. The benefits achieved are increased Metabolizable Energy and access to proteins in the feed, enhancing protein utilization. Enzymes such as Alpha Amylase, Lipase and Protease further break down the starch, lipids and proteins in the feed to smaller molecules facilitating better digestion. Specifically for Poultry feed which compromises of Barley, addition of Beta Glucanase to the feed mixture solves the problems of wet droppings and enables healthy growth.
Another problem faced by the feed industry is of Phytate present in feedstuffs of plant origin, which is poorly digested by non-ruminant animals such as poultry. Phytate (or Phytic Acid) is found majorly in feedstuff of plant origin and contains Phosphorous which is the most important mineral required by poultry for their bone and muscle development. Phytic acid also forms complexes with Proteins and minerals such as Calcium and Magnesium thus acting as an anti-nutritional factor. The output of undigested Phosphorous into the environment causes algal bloom, thus further causing Eutrophication.
Supplementation of Phytase Enzyme in the poultry feed enables efficient breakdown of Phytate complexes present in the feed liberating Phosphorous, minerals bound to the complex such as Calcium and Magnesium along with Proteins thus providing for a diet rich in nutrients. Phosphorous, Calcium and Magnesium uptake by poultry provides for healthy skeletal development while the liberated proteins allow for muscular growth. Also the excretion of phosphorous into the environment is eliminated thus solving the posed environmental issues.
Noor Enzymes is a Manufacturer and Exporter of a wide range of Animal Feed Enzymes such as Phytase Enzyme, Beta Glucanase Enzyme, Cellulase / Hemicellulase Enzyme, Xylanase Enzyme, Protease Enzyme and Lipase Enzymes for the animal feed industry.
The enzymes are available as individual concentrates for formulation of synergistic blend of Feed Enzymes and are also available as custom made blend of enzymes depending upon the end use in the Feed Industry.